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To be a "Well-Being", means that you are feeling good, functioning well, and will ultimately perform at your best in all areas of your life. If this sounds a bit airy-fairy or soft & fluffy for you, take a moment and consider the following ..
These are all scenarios that may derail you from performing at your best, and our WellBeing Thrive2Perform Services can help.
Our approach is solution-focused, evidence-based, well structured, and tailored to the individual, family or group members taking part, to help you proactively work on what you want to and need to.
Many of the other wellbeing programs out there are focused solely on mental & emotional wellbeing. Whilst this is an important aspect of wellbeing, our approach is broader, and offers the ability to dive into areas such as physical wellbeing, relationships, social/community, culture, spirituality, & career.
While our wellbeing services are often tailored toward the athletic population, especially young, developing athletes, our services are available to anybody seeking to feel good, function well and move toward living their best life.
In addition to individual services, we also offer programs & packages for small groups, larger teams/clubs or corporates seeking wellbeing workshops or seminars.
Interested but not sure where to start???
Book a Complimentary Wellbeing Discovery Session today!
For athletes, and particularly young athletes (& their parents/families), balancing the demands of sport, school, & life in general can be tough.
Working with a Wellbeing & Performance Consultant can help you to:
So, maybe you're not an athlete, & nor do work in sport, but you're keen to work on yourself, and want a simple, tailored process & tools that will help proactively shape & guide you to live your best life??
If this sounds like you then our Wellbeing Thrive2Perform Services are a great option to explore!
We will guide you through a 1:1 Wellbeing Assessment & Planning process that will help you move easily into the driver's seat of your own life.
Understanding what is meaningful & Interesting to you in life will then help guide the creation of specific goals, practices and habits that will help you thrive in all aspects of your life.
We offer complimentary discovery sessions so that you can understand whether this is right for you.
A thriving team, whether in Sport or Business, ultimately leads to a high performing team who care about each other & the outcomes produced. A desire to willingly go above and beyond, and to remain loyal and committed to the organisation is also enhanced when there is a genuine focus on wellbeing.
Perfect for groups seeking insight on particular wellbeing topics such as the importance of quality sleep & regular exercise, positive psychology strategies for stress management & resilience, values & strengths exercises, and healthy personal/working relationships.
We also offer Lego Serious Play sessions for creative team building, strategy development & personal/corporate breakthroughs.
To find out more, please schedule a complimentary session with our wellbeing & performance consultant online, or contact Thea directly on +61 411
744 878.
15min complimentary chat to connect, explain the process & provide direction on next steps.
45-60min session to complete wellbeing assessment, discuss next steps & provide basic wellbeing advice & recommendations.
One-off 45min session to complete wellbeing assessment, discuss next steps & provide basic wellbeing advice & recommendations.
**$115 if previously completed package.
3 x 45 min sessions plus followup check ins, education & advice.
Extra sessions priced at $115/consult.
4 x 45min sessions plus follow up check-ins, education & advice.
Inc 1 x session 1:1 with parent/s
Extra sessions priced at $115/consult.
Perfect for team mates or club mates
4x 45min group sessions. Max group size = 4
Fortnightly sessions
Follow up tools & checkins
Whats app chat group
Perfect for groups seeking insight on particular wellbeing topics, or team building & personal/corporate breakthroughs via Lego Serious Play.
Pricing starts at $500/session pending the number of attendees & style of presentation.
*Prices are subject to change at the discretion of No More Niggles. Payment plans available
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